I said to HIM
Your creed has fettered me
Lord! set me free
Lord! axe my tree.
Heaven said to me
Keep sowing your bleeding seeds
Keep growing your ugly deeds
I won’t set you free
I won’t axe your tree
Charon said to me
Come! Follow me
I’ll set you free
I’ll get you ‘cross the Styx
I ain't the one who betrays
I won’t lead you astray.
But Charon lied to me
He didn’t axe my tree
He trapped me underneath
He threw me in HADES
Now what resounds in me
Scream of broken dream
I am not yet free
Still entangled in my tree.
No wine and no bread
No halo on my head
Only gloom and dread
Are disciples of my faith
this stuff is great,
where in the world are you?
cant you get it published?
zab- my work is scheduled to be published in three different anthologies. I am glad that my work is being published across the atlantic as well. thanx for appreciating my writings.
azure- Thanx very much for such an amazing link. I really got lost while i was reading that article. It is simply stunning piece of writing.
"freedom" is such a confusing concept that i'v stopped thinking what it would be like...
illusion- you know that freedom is such a beautiful thing that you cant really stop thinking about it, though one tries alot to get this concept out of his/her mind but its all useless.
Its a darling of every one's heart.
But its a harsh reality that we are all slaves, though we all try to convince ourselves that we can really escape from our plight.
wow thats aweesumm!!!
how did u get in touch with the anthology publishing people? and where in the world are you?? england america pakistan? kidaaaaaa?
ik qarz hai uttaar rahe hain kisi terah
es umer ko guzaar rhae hain kisi terah
duniyan ko bhi kisi terah nazdeek ker liya
aur nafs ko bhi maar rahe hain kisi terah
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