Thursday, January 05, 2006

A strange Knock

I had never used any lock to lock my door before becuase I used to think that no one would bother to come in as I am a stranger to everyone, even I am a stranger to myself. But one night I heared a knock on my door.

I was amazed that who is this in the middle of the night, knocking on the door of one who is even stranger to himself.

I heared a feminine voice, who is it!, followed by a knock.

I was really in a perplexed state, I hadn't seen in my whole life a person, who had just knocked on someones' door, asking a question WHO IS IT?

Though I was in a very strange situation, I gathered my nerve and said,

I have never knocked on any stranger's door in my whole life, I don't know whether you have a right to know that Who the person really is whose door you are knocking on OR a person whose door is being knocked upon should ask the same question instead.

She said, If you haven't knocked any stranger's door before then why are you answering a stranger's knock for?

Why did you bother yourself to reply, You should have remained silent.
Why did you let me know that someone really lives inside this ghost house. I would have left your door after getting bored and tired, had not you said anything in response to my knocks. She said.

Though I do knock on stranger's doors but I never ever tried to break in, She said again.
So as you responded to my knock, you are supposed to tell me who you really are,
She decreed.

And I was amazed at the encroacher's shamlessness that how bravely she was justifying her position and claiming a right that in any case she should not have claimed,


That all she wanted to know and I had no answer to that question.................

(to be continued)


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